Navigating the beautiful journey of pregnancy with tips, advice, and support for every trimester

at 2025/02/22
Gtt or notes of a psychopath.
Good evening, ladies! 😊 There are so many discussions and myths surrounding this topic, with plenty of pros and cons. After reading a ton of information, I've decided to go ahead and take this test this time. It wasn't available in 2012, and they didn't conduct it in 2020 due to Covid. And now, I’m finally going for it... 😅 I was terrified! For some reason, my brain decided that since I'm preparing so much...

at 2025/02/22
Unpleasant turns.
Hello everyone. The movements are becoming less pleasant 😄 Especially when the little one likes to stick out either their head or their bottom) It's not painful, but quite uncomfortable; it'll get worse, right? 😄 Share your feelings around 30 weeks and beyond!

at 2025/02/22
Benefits up to 1.5 after dismissal.
Has anyone been dismissed during maternity leave? What is the amount of subsequent benefits until the child is 1.5 years old? Is it the minimum or 40% of the average income?

at 2025/02/22
Swimming pool
Girls, those who go to the pool, how long can you visit the pool? I recently had an appointment and forgot to ask. I've been going almost throughout my pregnancy, I'm nearly 31 weeks now, and I think I'll continue until my next appointment at 36 weeks. Is it okay to keep going until then without visiting my doctor?

at 2025/02/22
Girls, hello! Can you please tell me how much I need to pay a doctor for childbirth and recommend a doctor and maternity hospital?

at 2025/02/22
Very big doubts.
Hello everyone. The situation is as follows: The first pregnancy was desired and planned, ending with a cesarean section due to primary weakness of labor at 41 weeks. The second pregnancy, also desired and planned, occurred 4.5 years later. At 33 weeks, I was hospitalized for preservation because of hypertonicity, followed by a short cervix and thinning of the scar... Ended.

at 2025/02/22
2nd screening. Blood flows
Girls, the uterine artery PI at 19-20 weeks is 1.1, the right artery PI is 0.5, and the umbilical cord is 0.82. I can't tell if this is normal or not?

at 2025/02/22
Just to express myself ☹️
Girls, I've had enough. I’m sitting here, crying from helplessness. Today my child is more restless than ever, crying, refusing to sleep, and really wailing when he screams. In short, I look like I've been through an apocalypse. I feel awful both mentally and physically. I just don’t understand what he wants or what else to try from all the options I’ve exhausted; it seems like…

at 2025/02/22
I read a lot and worried too much.
Girls, who had a pregnancy with a scar? We are already 22 weeks and 3 days along. I’m experiencing pain on the right side, similar to appendicitis. Sometimes it feels like a burning sensation or a dull ache, which worsens when coughing or sneezing. I read that one person here found out about scar incompetence in the area of the pain. Can the integrity of the scar be assessed through a regular ultrasound or is a special examination needed?

at 2025/02/22
8.1 week - tingling in the uterus
It's been 8 weeks now... I was discharged from the hospital for the weekend. I've been on bed rest for 2 weeks already. Overall, today I feel like a 'normal' person, except for chest pains and occasional tingling in the pelvic area. That's where the uterus is, right? Is it normal to feel some occasional sharpness there? And also in the intestines.

at 2025/02/22
Pulling pains at 5 weeks.
I have regular abdominal pain. On the first day of the delay, the pain was the strongest, and I had to take No-Shpa. I occasionally feel cramps, today around the navel, similar to menstrual pain. I visited the gynecologist who only palpated my uterus and said it corresponds to the term. I will go for an ultrasound in two days. Do these pains mean I could lose the embryo?

at 2025/02/22
Could you please suggest a chat for GSD?
I'm going crazy! Today was a wild panic... The test results came in the day before yesterday, and my fasting blood sugar from the vein is 6.6... I'm entering my 30th week. But that's not all. We bought a glucometer, and after eating today (with no forbidden foods except for a piece of orange), it was 9.8. It seems like I might not have gestational diabetes but rather regular type 2 diabetes. Everything was fine in the first trimester... I'm scared to eat, I'm worried.

at 2025/02/24
Child's gender based on ovulation
Girls, I understand that some believe in this and others think it's nonsense. However, this method does have some scientific backing. There have been many posts on this topic, and I've come to this conclusion: during ovulation, both boys and girls can be conceived. However, before ovulation (especially 5-7 days before), girls are more common. Share your experiences! I'm interested in the statistics!

at 2025/02/24
Detralex 1000 mg during pregnancy
The gynecologist who is overseeing the entire pregnancy prescribed Detralex at 32 weeks due to complaints of swelling of the labia. Has anyone taken this medication during pregnancy?

at 2025/02/24
What can you take for a cough during the second trimester?
I have a sore throat and cough, it's difficult to expel mucus, and everything is very irritating... Are there any permitted medications?

at 2025/02/24
High risk of preeclampsia.
Girls, did anyone who was given a high risk of preeclampsia based on the results of the first screening have it confirmed?

at 2025/02/24
Condition and feelings...
Girls, please share your experiences; how has it been for you? I'm currently in my 8th week of pregnancy. I'm feeling pretty off… constantly tired, feeling down. I often need to go to the bathroom, and my temperature is 37. Sometimes my breasts hurt a lot and are very sensitive, while other times I completely forget about them. My stomach has been behaving "strangely" lately.

at 2025/02/24
Blood flow, fetometry - hooray! 🎉
Hello everyone! I'm just here to share some joy 😁 The blood flow in the artery has finally recovered after 1.5 months. I’m not sure if it was the pills prescribed by the hematologist last week or just a coincidence, but I'm happy regardless 😄 The fetometry is improving day by day, and there are no signs of GSD affecting anything 👌 Keep it up, little one! ❤️

at 2025/02/24
Girls, it's definitely a boy, right? 😅🙈
Of course! Please provide the text you'd like me to rewrite.

at 2025/02/24
Symphysis and planned cesarean section.
Today marks 37 weeks exactly, with a symphysis measurement of 13 mm. The pain is quite intense, as usual. The prenatal center in Vidnoe advised me to come in at 38-39 weeks, with my due date on March 17th. So, at 38 weeks, it will be March 3rd, and I'm wondering when to go since March 8th is coming up. How long does the preparation for a C-section take? I don’t want to be in the hospital for too long before the C-section.

at 2025/02/24
Gave birth.
In the end, I gave birth at 41.5 weeks. Labor never started on its own, so I had to induce it with pills. I took one at 3:40 PM, and by 2:30 AM, contractions began. They were bearable, and I even managed to sleep between them, if it weren't for the neighbor in the room who was snoring loudly 🥴. By the afternoon, they checked for dilation, and it was still just 1.5 fingers.

at 2025/02/24
Escherichia coli in urine culture.
Girls, how did you deal with E. coli during pregnancy? This is the third consecutive time it has shown up in my urine culture. The latest result (from February 21) shows it at a level of 5, from February 4 at level 7, and from January 3 at level 3. Bacteria were also found in the analysis from February 4. After the first result, I was taking Canephron twice a day.

at 2025/02/24
Detachment at 6 weeks.
A week ago, I had an ultrasound and they confirmed early pregnancy, but the embryo was not yet visible. Two days ago, I noticed unusual brown discharge, so I went to the maternity clinic (but it’s unfortunate that our clinic doesn't even have ultrasound facilities; they just prescribed Dufaston). Today, I finally had an ultrasound, and they said I am 6 weeks along with a heartbeat of 148 beats per minute, but there is a small detachment and a risk of complications.

at 2025/03/03
We are having a SON🥹
Donating blood for gender determination was a great decision. My intuition didn't let me down ☺️ I was expecting a cake with blue hearts, I knew it was supposed to be that way... But that didn’t stop me from squealing with joy and then crying my eyes out 🥹.

at 2025/03/03
Girls, please help! My blood pressure is 140(145) over 90(95), I'm 26 weeks pregnant and taking Dopegit four times a day. Additionally, I've been prescribed Cordaflex half a tablet twice a day, but it’s not helping. Has anyone been prescribed Nifedipine along with Dopegit? What dosage and how much can be added per day?

at 2025/03/03
Burning, no strength left.
Girls, the smear is perfect (words of the gynecologist). The burning sensation is only external. It was somewhat manageable for two days, but yesterday I took a shower and used body scrub (it burned when applied, but I didn't put it near the perineum), and then I rinsed with Epigen gel. Right after the shower, I felt discomfort, and today there's burning. It's burning specifically on the labia minora, like a burn. There's also redness.

at 2025/03/03
Calcium for the prevention of PE
Have you been prescribed calcium for the prevention of preeclampsia? My obstetrician says the benefits are not proven, while I read the opposite in clinical guidelines.

at 2025/03/03
Vitamins during breastfeeding
Today the doctor recommended taking Elevit for breastfeeding, but it's a bit pricey 😄 I looked for alternatives and found Complivit for pregnant and nursing women + I will need to buy omega separately, but it's twice as cheap this way. Ladies, please advise what to do? Has anyone tried either of these?

at 2025/03/03
Swelling during pregnancy
Girls, I'm almost at 33 weeks and I'm experiencing very strong swelling in my legs for the first time. I've heard that drinking cranberry tea can help, but I've read online that it's contraindicated, and it's also stated on the packaging. Has anyone tried it?

at 2025/03/03
Hematoma after C-section. Surgery tomorrow.
Girls, this is some kind of mess... During the ultrasound, they found a fluid accumulation, and the doctor drained something that same day. Yesterday, he removed the drain. I went for another ultrasound, confident that everything would be fine and that I could go back to the kids in the postpartum wing 😔. But in the end, they said it didn't get better; it actually got worse. They admitted me to gynecology. I'll be having surgery tomorrow.

at 2025/03/03
18 weeks and no movements.
It's been 18 weeks of silence so far.

at 2025/03/03
My lower back hurts a lot.
18 weeks, my lower back hurts a lot today, it really aches and pulls, I can't quite figure it out, the pain is dull. Because of this, my stomach aches too. Has anyone experienced this? I had back issues before the pregnancy.

at 2025/03/03
The results of the GTT are mixed up.
Hello girls! Could you please advise me on where to go and what to do in this case? I took the GTT test today in Moscow at the clinic associated with the 52nd maternity hospital. The results have already come in, but they are all mixed up. Fasting was 8.05, after 1 hour - 6.34, after 2 hours - 4.1. This can't be right, can it? I called the clinic, and the response was very "pleasant."

at 2025/03/03
Send the test results.
We have a boy! I can't decide on a name. I've narrowed it down to five favorites for a vote. If you don't mind, please let me know what you think, or maybe suggest a name in the same style.

at 2025/03/03
Why are they calling from the housing complex?
Who knows why they are calling me from the clinic? At 36 weeks, I signed a contract for paid childbirth, which also includes pregnancy management, so I stopped going to the clinic. I informed my attending gynecologist, and she said it was fine. Then a nurse called me and started asking very strange questions, like "Where are you?" and "Have you given birth?" (that’s word for word, it was 36...)

at 2025/03/03
Pain in the pubic region.
Since this morning, I've been experiencing a strange shooting pain on the left side where the pubis is, feeling as if it's right at the pubic bone (I'll mark on the picture where it hurts). When I sit or lie down, everything is fine. But as soon as I stand up or walk, the pain starts. What could this be?

at 2025/03/03
Are hormones playing tricks?
My husband and I wanted a second child, but we planned to have it a little later. Now I'm pregnant, and I'm almost 7 weeks along. I still can't come to terms with my situation🥲. I constantly have mixed feelings: sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm not. I have a lot of fears and doubts; is this normal? How can I get rid of anxious thoughts?

at 2025/03/03
Acute catarrhal pharyngitis
It's been two weeks since the acute phase of the illness. I still have itching and a tickle in my throat when talking, and I feel the urge to cough. What should I do about this? I took antibiotics.

at 2025/03/03
Will NITP show ZRP?
Good day! The question is in the subject. The first screening showed a risk of fetal growth restriction until 37 weeks. I would like to have it checked again for a fee. Are there any other tests I can take?